Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Passion and Creativity This Week!

An aspect of Radical Unschooling that is important is to model for your children that learning never ends. Learning feels good! It is part of life and we are meant to grow and expand as human begins, always! I am really enjoying learning more about organization and Feng shui! I have been researching ways to make our lives easier through organization, which has really made a difference in our lives in a short amount of time. What passions are you exploring and expanding on?
It is the time of the season for pumpkin and cranberry
I made a delicious Pumpkin Cranberry Bread!

I've been redecorating and reorganizing this week!! I love bringing color into our home. Our blue walls in the crafting and reading room make for powerful inspiration to create!

I love using elements of nature to decorate our home. Greens are free and can be used to add a warm feel to your home. I love cedar and pine greenery especially.

I made these jars with Ivy and Orion as holiday gifts for people. I love how decorative they are and I have made a few more to put around our country home. 

This is easy and fun! Just layer dried beans in a decorative jar and finish with some ribbon. Being with our children through a collaborative project brings us to deeper levels of connection and joy.

Thanks for peeking into my creativity this week. I love this amazing Unschooling life with my family. We are always learning, growing and expanding on this journey. We are so happy to share it with all of you.

~Peace & Love, Dayna

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